Sunday, May 31, 2020

Time Travelling Thru The Bible - with Dirk and Janet.

While time travelling is not possible, with the imagination it is a great way to  introduce young people to the Bible. This article is the first on a series on that theme.

An obscure example is a 1952 Sunday School book series featuring the adventures of Dirk and Janet (not Dick and Jane) two fifth graders who find themselves aside great figures from scripture, like Moses in the above example. Their adventures were written  by Joseph W. Inslee for The Weekday Church School Series, for Grade V, or Fifth Graders. The texts were published by the Muhlenberg Press of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Originally published in 1952, these stories were reprinted again in 1960.

In this series we have two "modern" children, a boy and a girl, finding themselves interacting with great Bible heroes. Does that sound familiar? This was a few decades before "Superbook", "The Flying House" and "Adventures in Odyssey's" Imagination Station.